The future of investment education is being shaped in Budapest

Courses also open in the direction of sustainability, AI and data processing - Dr. TÓTH Judit and Dr. POLLÁK Zoltán from Bankárképző received the guests in Budapest.

EFFAS0312.jpgBankárképző (ITCB) welcomes the Commission on Training & Qualification (TQC) of EFFAS.

What happens in Budapest early 2024?

During a professional workshop, specialists from 10 European countries jointly develop the curriculum and examination principles of the investment-themed courses that dominate Europe. They are not talking about generalities, but about what skills the banking and investment labor market already expects from professionals. They aim to develop up-to-date training courses that reflect needs, whether it is about ESG, AI or data analysis.



Founded in 1962, EFFAS is a not-for-profit organisation. Its mission is to set the requirement standards for investment professionals, act as a think tank and centre for discussion and be a European reference in Training & Qualifications. EFFAS represents more than 18,000 Financial Analysts, Asset and Portfolio Managers, Treasurers and other professionals in the field of investment.


About EFFAS Hungary (Magyar Tőkepiaci Szakemberek Egyesülete)

The predecessor of the organization was founded in 1992. The primary goal of the association is the integration of specialists dealing with domestic capital market issues into professional work at the European and global level through international organizational memberships.


About International Training Center for Bankers Ltd. (Bankárképző)


Established in 1988, with more than 100,000 students already, it is the leading bank consultancy and training company in Hungary. Its educational profile consists of accredited degree and certificate programs and short professional courses both online and classroom. According to EFFAS-trainings ITCB designs and implements the courses and is responsible for examinations in Hungary.

The training courses developed jointly by international organizations are already available in Hungary!



Szalag u. 19. 1011 Budapest

Központ: +36 1 22 40 700

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